Ashley Earls

MA Jewellery


email: [email protected]

Phone number: 07531122906


Blending concrete and stainless steel industrial products with premium materials, my focus is on the hierarchy of the ‘lesser’ materials, challenging how they can be elevated and reach a different audience.

With transformation playing a key (and desired) role, I patinate and levitate to shift common components to accommodate Swarovski crystals, diamond dust, satin and leather, focusing on comfort and experience whilst hoping to summon intrigue from the viewer.

Dark vs Light is journey taken from depression to happiness and restriction to freedom. Repurposing and upscaling building materials by pairing them with sparkle, in an attempt to redefine luxury.

It’s order and chaos – the practice of combining these contrasting materials can, at times, be intricate. But things take time…

Ashley Earls | Crafts
Ashley Earls | Crafts 5
Stainless steel, concrete, diamond dust and leather ring 1
Ashley Earls | Crafts 4
Stainless steel, concrete, diamond dust and leather ring 2
Ashley Earls | Crafts 3
Stainless steel, satin and Swarovski crystal ring
Ashley Earls | Crafts 2
Stainless steel, satin and Swarovski crystal Neckpiece
Ashley Earls | Crafts 1
Stainless steel, concrete, diamond dust and leather bracelet
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