Anna May

Interior Design


Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 07856049358

Instagram: @ana.inspires

Worth In The Scraps Making Centre is a craft centre run by the organization Making Matters. The Making Centre is focused on teaching users how to up-cycle fractured pieces of ceramics, as well as connect people to the art and philosophy of Kintsugi. Kintsugi involves gluing broken ceramic pieces back together with gold or platinum and represents embracing imperfect moments.

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Kintsugi Workshop Area: In the Making Centre there is a workshop space where users craft Kintsugi pieces
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Auditorium: In the Auditorium Pupils have an introduction of what they will be making within their workshop classes.
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Facade: At the facade users experience the fracturing of the windows into the existing building as they enter.
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Fracture to Re-join, Display Area: Environmental Enthusiasts come to the Display Area to view Kintsugi art made by the members.
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Poster-boards: On the Poster-Board, individuals may share a story about a time when they encountered a challenging situation in life but managed to cultivate a positive outcome from the scraps.
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Re-join Lounge and Kitchen Area: The Lounge and Kitchen Area is a place where the Pupils, Members and Making Matters team goes to have a break and to have lunch. This space is cosy with an open plan that connects people to one another.
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