Charlotte Haynes



Instagram: @charlotte_anne_design

Email: [email protected]

I based my Final Major Project on the film treatment for ‘Vertigo’, reset in a late 1970’s San Francisco. I have a very strong interest in the pre-production stages of film design so spent the first half of this project researching for and designing a series of Concept Pieces for a film production, which I then produced digitally, using Fusion360 and Procreate.

For the second half of this project, I took inspiration from two of my concept pieces, based on ‘Midge’s Apartment’, and developed the space into a 1:10 scale Stop-Motion Set Model, which I technically designed and then built.

Charlotte Haynes | Film 5
Concept 1 - Midge's Apartment | Created on Procreate through Photobashing and Digital Painting
Charlotte Haynes | Film 4
All 9 Pieces of Final Concept Art Produced for the First Half of the Project. They include Midge's Apartment, Scottie's Apartment, Gavin Elster's Office, Argosy Book Shop, Sanatorium and Judy's Hotel Room
Charlotte Haynes | Film 3
Dressing Plan for Midge's Apartment - Using a Ground Plan Produced from a Digital Model Created in Fusion360
Charlotte Haynes | Film 2
1:10 Scale Set Model of Midge's Apartment for Stop Motion Animation - View from the Kitchen
Charlotte Haynes | Film 1
1:10 Scale Set Model of Midge's Apartment for Stop Motion Animation - View of the Kitchen
Charlotte Haynes | Film
1:10 Scale Set Model of Midge's Apartment for Stop Motion Animation - Close Up View of Living Space Details
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