Claire Attia

Fine Art


[email protected]


My art is de-familiarization through aesthetic experience. I have an interest in colour theory and its perception and movement. I draw on my lived experiences and observations, incorporating these into artworks to create a dialogue and reflection of living in the 21st century. The work follows a progression of research into areas of human interactions and social mobility.

I intuitively relate my medium to the exploration within the work creating no barriers to possibility.

My process begins with an observation which becomes my focal point or starting point, from then on it is open to transformation as I start the work, as I am responsive to the moment and intuition takes over as I am drawn into the work. During the making process there becomes a struggle between flow and control which can overwhelm me but through experience I have learnt to allow an organic behaviour and to let the control go. I believe this battle happens as I feel strongly about the subjects in my art.

I often use found materials which for me feels like a straight trajectory and can often be another type of beginning, therefore I enjoy site specific work.

In all instances when painting creating colour becomes the major stimulus as I believe in its connection to emotion and the senses.

“ I knew from experience that vivid colours seem to attract the unconscious.” Carl Jung

Through my research and interest in colour I have been looking into the refraction of light, which I wish to draw attention to through my piece entitled, ‘Tragame Tierra.’ This work aims to show how these qualities can be used to manifest the temporal sub- liminal moments in life that happen within spatial relationships where people can feel isolated and estranged from the world around them. The broken glass is a symbol of broken systems and broken people, floating alone separated by social media and politics, driving more divisions within society.

My paintings included in my exhibit continue this dialogue exploring this through perspectives and colour.

Claire Attia | Fine Art 5
Installation Tragame Tierra
Claire Attia | Fine Art 4
Claire Attia | Fine Art 3
Claire Attia | Fine Art 2
Claire Attia | Fine Art 1
Claire Attia | Fine Art
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