Codie Buckley



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Codie Buckley’s practice typically specialises in landscape and seascape photography, with a touch of self-portraiture and photographic montage. They are heavily influenced by photographers such as Ansel Adams and the historical landmarks that are around their small corner of Kent.

Buckley’s current work specialises in their personal mental health struggle with imposter syndrome. They wanted to produce a body of work that shocks an audience and makes all viewing the work uncomfortable. They used self-portraiture and close-up photography to make the piece of work personal to them and to show those who are struggling with the same issues to know that ‘it is okay to not be okay, you can seek help without negative stigma from others’.

They have, in the past, made pieces of work that have told the generalised narrative of mental health struggles, and felt it was important to make the work more direct and personal.

Codie Buckley | Photography 1
Codie Buckley | Photography 2
Codie Buckley | Photography
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