Elan Afzali

Graphic Design


Hello. My name is Elan Afzali. I would describe myself as a digital designer with a love for the outcome and I hope that I will have the opportunity to contribute towards something truly impressive in the future. Throughout my time studying graphic design, I have always favored the implementation of 3D graphics in my outcomes as I feel 3D design provides me the creative freedom to create visually dynamic assets from scratch. This practice is something I have had the chance to develop through my university experience which has made for a challenging but very rewarding experience.

I have made sure to implement 3D in the majority of my outcomes with my final major project being no exception. For this project I had taken into consideration that retail brand IKEA uses digital 3D rendered representations of their furniture in a large part of their catalogue. By using these non tangible representations, I thought I could then emphasize the resulting outcome’s disconnect with reality by then incorporating themes of surrealism into the outcome, creating something that subverts the typical use of 3D design in marketing.

For this project I set out to create a booklet that functions as an extension for the IKEA catalogue that features surrealist inspired furniture designs in both a functional and surrealist depiction all designed and created by myself from scratch. By producing this outcome, I hope that I could display how 3D design, due to its unlimited fidelity, is able to revolutionize marketing and how anything can be made to seem like reality.

My other projects located here include the Nokia rebrand where I had also utilized 3D design in order to manipulate the new logo into a dynamic shape of which to represent the brand through. My aim for this project was to bring attention to Nokia’s brand focus of telecommunications as opposed to phones of which they were more traditionally known for.

Also included is an outcome for the New Statesman newspaper where we worked alongside illustrators to produce a themed edition of the publication. This project allowed me to properly exercise what I have learned about working alongside a brand identity, and how to develop said identity whilst keeping it visually related to the original.

Finally I have also included a submission I had created as part of an event hosted by 101 records. I found this project to be an enjoyable one to undertake as I was able to create a vintage style for my outcome through the addition of a fluorescent color palette and heavy grain.

I would say that I have learned a great deal during my time at UCA and I think it has been evident in the growing quality of the outcomes I have been producing. If you are interested in finding more of my work I can be found on behance https://www.behance.net/elancraftb165 or my work is also available on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elan_afzali/?hl=en 


Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 6
Elan Afzali Cover Image
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 5
Elan Afzali Showreel
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 7
IKEA Surrealist Catalogue Cover
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Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 4
IKEA Surrealist edition Catalogue Mockups
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 3
IKEA Surrealist Designed Furniture
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 2
Nokia Rebrand Poster
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design 1
New Statesman Experimental Double Page Spread - Illustration credits - Lara Dally
Elan Afzali | Graphic Design
101 Records Competition Submission
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