Emily Bushell

Pre-degree & Foundation Studies


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @emily_bushell_photography

TikTok: @emilybushellphotography

Vintage Glamour:

For my Final Major Project, I’ve used a combination of still and moving image to create a fashion film exploring and comparing the fashion of the 1960s, 70s, 90s, and 2000s. I picked one specific style of fashion per decade (60s- Mod, 70s- Boho, 90s- Grunge, 2000s- Pop Glam) and fully explored its music, fashion, culture and lifestyle. The title of ‘Vintage’ in my project relates to the positive aspects associated with the decades and the title of ‘Glamour’ being used to highlight the positive connotations of the fashion being of good quality. I’ve split my four decades into two categories based on the types of media used during the actual decades. The 60s and 70s decades used analogue forms of media leading to them being categorised as my ‘film era’ where as the 90s and 2000s were primarily digital which places them under the ‘digital era’. The ‘Film vs Vintage’ categories allows me to compare the visuals as well as the fashion of each decade and was easy to convey into my fashion film by using a variety of different filters to replicate the aesthetics of each media

Emily Bushell | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies
Vintage Glamour
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Still image from the 90s portion of the project
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Still image from the 60s portion of the project
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Still image from the 70s portion of the project
Emily Bushell | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 2
Still image from the 2000s portion of the project
Emily Bushell | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 1
still image from the 90s portion of the project
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