Emily Dean



Linkedin: Emily Dean

Instagram: EmilyDean.Photographer

Website: http://www.emilydean.uk


By Emily Dean

Memory is a fundamental part of our lives. Since the moment we are born, our experiences define our outlook on life, our values and the way we make decisions. As time passes, though the memories live on in our minds, the physical locations are left behind.

This photographic series is a visual representation of the Schema and Freud’s Uncanny theory. The first relies on our own knowledge which has been created by our memories to identify and give reason to what we see in the image and how we associate with it emotionally. The second looks at how a familiar and established form can be alienated through the process of repression, from trauma or the passing of time. To repress something creates a new relationship with it, and with that brings uneasiness.

The work is accompanied by a book, deconstructed, that allows the audience to be led by an emotional response, and with that the photograph is given new meaning. A unique narrative is created.

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