George Kirby



My name is George Kirby and I am aiming to be a Character Concept Artist, I enjoy making characters and designing their outfits/accessories, using the outfits to create a story for my characters and making them full and fleshed out are some of my aims. This project is a visual adaptation of a book I am writing called Terantiri, I wanted to use this book as inspiration for my art so that I could try creating the characters in my book and bring them to life. The book takes place in a fantasy world with all the classics of elves and dwarves like you’d expect, it follows 2 main characters a young human boy and a elven girl Margot and Alvar, Towns and villages are being left in ruin overnight due to an unknown force, this happened to Alvar’s Village and a scouting party found him alive in a basement as a baby the leader of this village was an Elven Chief who adopted Alvar, One day the same Entity appeared on the horizon of the village and wiped out everyone except Margot and Alvar after their Father sealed them in a tomb to protect them. That is where their Journey begins. The art style I drew mainly drew inspiration from is the game Hades and Ruined King : A League of Legends Story. I liked the bold linework these art styles have and I wanted to adopt that into my own work. My professional links to Instagram, Artstation and LinkedIn are here.


George Kirby | Games 5
George Kirby | Games 4
George Kirby | Games 3
George Kirby | Games 2
George Kirby | Games 1
George Kirby | Games
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