Isobel Stocks



Email: [email protected]


Isobel Stocks’ practice employs documentary approaches to work with urban environments, brutalist architecture, and local landscapes. Stocks’ current work, ‘Regard / Discard’,  is a response to littering in her local area, highlighting the visible pollution caused by careless behaviour. It aims to raise awareness and encourage the coming together of communities to keep their local town tidy. Stocks’ interest in editing images by hand began as experimentation, but led to the use of stitching or darning as a way of ‘fixing’, repairing, or caring for the landscape. Stocks says, ‘throughout this project I learnt that it is important to photograph reality, and to present issues which generally get overlooked in society, so that we can be educated by this.’

Isobel Stocks | Photography 5
Taken from the series, 'Regard / Discard'
Isobel Stocks | Photography 4
Isobel Stocks | Photography 3
Isobel Stocks | Photography 2
Isobel Stocks | Photography 1
Isobel Stocks | Photography
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