Jingfei Chen

Fine Art


Website: https://jingfeichen0.wordpress.com

Instagram: 71__441

On the theme of the exploration of consciousness, consisting of a wall painting, an acrylic painting and short films.  The film is about the exploration of the body in space, a kind of parody of temporal forms, consciousness resting on a pointer and spatial transitions, and the metaphor of the threshold of entry into dreams within it.

My work is mainly dedicated to the experience of different dimensions and positions brought about by the physical alteration of space itself, such as coordinates and fragments. As well as the imagery projected by the imagery of space that acts on the psyche and consciousness. For example, in a dream one temporarily loses the conceptual framework of time and space, allowing for the perception of some unseen language. Also the extension of consciousness and the presentation of information through signs, symbols and metaphors is the direction of my research, the effect of invisible things in the dark, like light and water flowing matter and shifts in space and consciousness on the human perception. Through the study and representation of architecture, physics, diagrams, music and rhythm, concepts are expressed through geometry, visual perception,  deconstruction and reorganisation.


Jingfei Chen | Fine Art 2
The Singularity of Dreams
Jingfei Chen | Fine Art 1
The Singularity of Dreams
Jingfei Chen | Fine Art
The Singularity of Dreams
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