Johannes Aylott

MA Visual Communication


Insta: @johannes_aylott

email: [email protected]

Sound Sift is a prototype app that gives users an organic and individual space to discover music and share what they come across with friends.

Streaming services are arguably not very good at helping people find new music independently. Sound Sift is here to pick up that slack, allowing users to scroll through albums with as much or as little algorithmic aid as they want. As well as seeing recommendations and search results, users can also see what their friends are sharing and what local artists may be making.

This app also allows users to see inside the albums they find, opening them up and interacting with so much more than simply the cover. Features such as inlays, posters, gatefolds and any other visually unique aspects found in each album are finally available to be seen and appreciated by everyone. This has been missing in the world of digital music until now.

Social interactivity is the other key aspect of Sound Sift. Allowing users to make their own lists to show off or collaborative ones with friends. They can also talk, share and discuss their findings with each other in a dedicated environment. Each user can also personalize their profile, including the ability to showcase their favourite tracks.

Everything found in Sound Sift can be seamlessly opened in a user’s existing streaming service. There is no reason to exclude certain people or negate their existing efforts, such as making playlists in their respective services. Instead, with the tap of a button, they can open what they’re looking at in a streaming service immediately, allowing for proper seamless integration.

This project has been an exciting and challenging one for me. Building this entire thing from the ground up is a feat I’m proud of achieving, and I feel it shows off my abilities and skills as a designer well, as I’m sure you’ll agree. Thanks for taking the time to look through my work.

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A promotional video advertising the key points of my app.
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Johannes Aylott | Graphic Design
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