Malvika Gupta

MA Graphic Design


Instagram: malvxoart


This project is close to my heart as it is a dedication to my late dog, Oskar who passed away in 2021 due to Fatal Tick Fever.

This project focuses on the emotions, the distress a dog goes through while going through painful skin diseases/illness such as Tick Fever, Sarcoptic Mange & Interdigital Cysts. Through Package Design I wanted to show and bring awareness about the illness/disease unlike the clichè of having a “happy dog face” on dog products/medicated packaging.

This project has helped me delve deeper into pet health awareness.The visual elements I’ve created serve as a bridge between compelling design and the vital message of promoting pet health.

Malvika Gupta | Graphic Design 4
Malvika Gupta | Graphic Design 3
Package Design for Interdigital Cysts
Malvika Gupta | Graphic Design 2
Package Design for Sarcoptic Mange
Malvika Gupta | Graphic Design 1
Package Design for Ticks & Fleas
Malvika Gupta | Graphic Design
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