Maria Gecheva

Pre-degree & Foundation Studies


@mimmiiart (instagram)

@[email protected] (email)

In the course of producing my autobiographical project, ‘Home’, I produced work that was intended to remind me of what I consider to be home. The pieces that I created are meant to give comfort and the feeling of being ‘at home’, which I wanted both myself and others to be able to find within them as well. The concept of this project was to connect to my Bulgarian roots, and to explore the different areas in Bulgaria by taking into consideration and capturing the essence of places and atmosphere, and to translate these images into paintings that will be featured in the exhibition.

Maria Gecheva | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 4
'home 20--' Oil, Acrylic, and Oil pastel on canvas, 101.5cm x 81.5cm This is my closing piece within my theme of ‘home’. I wanted to bring all aspects of my theme into one main piece. I have shown my sister when she was younger in our grandparent's apartment in Bulgaria, and edited in images that are special to me and objects that have significant meaning to me.
Maria Gecheva | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 2
‘grandparents at the table’ oil on canvas , 86cm x 49cm within my theme of ‘home’ i am trying to show what home means to me and how it can differ from person to person. In this piece you can see my mum's parents, the dad’s parents, and my uncle's parents all sat around the table celebrating my name day.
Maria Gecheva | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 1
‘dancheto’ oil on canvas, 50.8cm x 40.6cm Within my theme of ‘home’ I am trying to show what home means to me and how it can differ from person to person. In this piece you can see my grandma and her neighbour dancing the traditional Bulgarian dance 'horo'.
Maria Gecheva | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies
‘senses’ Mixed media on canvas, Acrylic, charcoal, Oil, Pastel, Soft pastel , 90cm x 45cm (individual 45cm x 45cm ) In this piece I am trying to capture the different senses of two different places in Bulgaria. I am showing the strong contrast between the beautiful nature found in Bulgaria and the problem of smoking within the country. Both of these things remind me of home despite the good or bad connotations. Within my theme of ‘home’ I am trying to show what home means to me and how it can differ from person to person.
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