Michael Laing



My work is theatrical and cinematic.  Many of the images shown are a part of my final project Dragons in Human Form.  With the ‘Tales from a cyberpunk hell’ being a part of my previous university project.

My work is created in the studio, generally with little post production.  In a world that is rapidly changing due to AI, it is important to still have the skills to create work in camera, to be able to make mistakes and use our imagination.  I don’t know if I am a part of a dying breed but my work is who I am, as a photographer and as a person.

Michael Laing | Photography 5
Michael Laing | Photography 4
Through the forest with the blue dragon
Michael Laing | Photography 3
The touch of the white dragon
Michael Laing | Photography 2
Changing Black dragon
Michael Laing | Photography 1
Dawn with the desert dragon
Michael Laing | Photography
Tales a cyberpunk hell
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