Sam Barrett

Pre-degree & Foundation Studies


Instagram @samdragonocean

My Final Major Project animation is a mix of clay motion with sequence drawings and a procreate neon title scene. It’s Rose’s first day at Jamie’s Hatching Disco and she is told never to let anyone bash the disco ball but of course someone does ! releasing a strange creature. I just wanted to make people smile.

Before attending the Access to art and design, Moving Image course at Farnham I was at the Orpheus Centre in Godstone whose vision is of an inclusive world where disabled young people, with a passion for the arts and a desire to live and work independently can achieve their aspirations.

I learnt clay skills from the Aardman Academy online model making course.

Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 5
Concept art for animation
Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 4
Graffiti art for animation background
Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 3
art for animation set
Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 2
scene with drawn dancers
Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies 1
clay characters
Sam Barrett | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies
Title scene
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