Shrishti Garg

MA Design Innovation & Brand Management


Instagram: @shrishtivity

LinkedIn: @shrishtivity

Email: [email protected]


Hi, I am Shrishti Garg – a multidisciplinary, Creative Human. She is as Indian as one can be, a proud “Jugaadu” who specializes in finding creative solutions to any problem quickly and efficiently with whatever resources at hand. The master’s journey has been a quest to answer the more profound question of what makes us who we are and to understand what it takes for every individual to embrace their authentic selves. Finding our reason to be the way to live a fulfilled life. Along the journey, I discovered the power of Personal Branding.

Shrishti Garg | Business & Management 5
what's your story?
Shrishti Garg | Business & Management 6
personal branding workshop reel
Shrishti Garg | Business & Management 7
MA portfolio
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wabae~sabae podcast
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who are you?
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workshop gallery
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