Yasmin Nabe

Graphic Design


An eco friendly gender neutral fashion brand, which helps the Gen Z target market/audience stay true to themselves as well as the environment around us. My brand ‘2TRU’ is made from recycled fibres as well as handmade pieces from textile waste. Creating a positive impact on our society – it is both carbon neutral and gender neutral to help stop gender stereotypes and people buying fast fashion pieces which harm our planet.

Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design 6
Eco Friendly Gender Neutral Fashion Brand
Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design 4
Brand Guidelines Colour Palette
Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design 3
Look Book Introduction
Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design 2
Look book Brand Shoot
Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design 1
Look Book Brand Shoot
Yasmin Nabe | Graphic Design
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