Aleksandra Deka

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography


Instagram: @dekaaleksandra

Email: [email protected]


Grief and Loss (2024)


  The inspiration for the fashion documentary capturing an emotional journey of grieving was taken from a personal fear of losing a beloved one and observations coming from everyday life. Grief and Loss represents a story of a young woman experiencing mourning for her grandmother’s death following five crucial stages of grief which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Due to Aleksandra’s sentimental and poignant approach to this project, it took place in her home country – Poland. Capturing characteristic features of Eastern European culture and elements allowed Aleksandra Deka to touch on her background and express her vision of how she perceives grief.

  Grief and Loss stands out from her previous creativity by inviting a more static and grounded theme tapping on serious emotions. Her general photographic style touches on the essence of movement and includes fashion elements. Her work is hugely influenced by the style of her favourite photographer Richard Avedon.

Aleksandra Deka | Photography 5
Grief and Loss
Aleksandra Deka | Photography 4
Aleksandra Deka | Photography 3
Aleksandra Deka | Photography 2
Aleksandra Deka | Photography 1
Aleksandra Deka | Photography
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