Bill Montague

BA (Hons) Animation



A musical creature lures a musical stranger through their home…

Bill’s graduation film: “The Song” is a 2D digitally animated film focused on fluid animation and a cinematic edit.

“In my graduating film The Song, the main focus was to create a structured narrative for my film, with solid characters that moves away from my previous film ‘Gambit’ that showcased movement and followed a more abstract structure. I wanted to go back to my original inspiration of my debut film, Persephone’s Garden, and create a character piece inspired by Greco-Roman mythology that I could be proud of.

Editing was also a big selling point for my graduating film, I wanted to showcase how After Effects and editing would enhance my film movement-wise and create a work that had an essence of cinematography in a digital medium.

I hope you enjoy my film!”

Runtime: 3 minutes 15 seconds

1920 x 1080

H264 1080p

Bill Montague | Animation 4
A musical creature lures a musical stranger through their home... - The Song - By Bill Montague
Bill Montague | Animation 3
Bill Montague | Animation 2
Bill Montague | Animation 1
Bill Montague | Animation
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