Brooke Foster

MA Illustration


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @brofoz


“Me Without You” is the result of my research into Graphic Medicine, a sub-genre within Graphic Novels that specifically uses comic as a way to spark mental health conversation. After Christmas Break, I returned to the UK from the US having experienced a breakup from my previous partner of over three years. This life-shifting event is not a unique experience, but the emotional results are shockingly isolating. I used comics as a way to help process this decision and overcome some of the sadness that I was feeling. Illustration and text in combination yields a power that I never knew existed. The research and lived experience throughout my year program at UCA helped me better understand Graphic Medicine and has motivated me to continue advocating for comics as a way to talk about mental health.

“Me Without You” combines traditional linocut printing and digital colouring. All illustrations were created through carving each scene into linoleum, printed with ink, and scanned into Adobe Illustrator for Image Tracing and colouring.

Brooke Foster | Illustration 5
Me Without You
Brooke Foster | Illustration 3
Me Without You
Brooke Foster | Illustration 2
Me Without You Cover
Brooke Foster | Illustration 1
Me Without You Inside Spread 1
Brooke Foster | Illustration
Me Without You Inside Spread 2
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