Ellie Dimmock

BA (Hons) Illustration - Farnham


[email protected]

@ellie.dimmock.art (instagram)

I explored the theme of menstruation from a satirical feminist lense, focusing on destigmatizing periods and highlighting the lighter side of periods. I have made packaging for period pads that reflect a funnier, quirkier representation of periods that anyone who mensturates could find relatable.

Ellie Dimmock | Illustration 5
"It's Bloody Normal" Period Packaging
Ellie Dimmock | Illustration 4
Front of packaging.
Ellie Dimmock | Illustration 3
Back of packaging.
Ellie Dimmock | Illustration 2
Ellie Dimmock | Illustration 1
Pads in period care box.
Ellie Dimmock | Illustration
Pads in real life.
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