Freya Dann

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Epsom


This year, I wanted to expand my skills and practice a variety of different physical art forms such as pottery, crochet, lino printing and screen printing.

The following work shows my outcomes for brief 2 and 3 for my Language platform and brief 1 from my data platform.

Freya Dann | Graphic Design
Language Brief 2 - Tell Me a Story About a Place. Screen printed on white. A pastiche parody piece about the extravagant chimneys in Woburn.
Freya Dann | Graphic Design 5
Language Brief 3 - Meaningful Book. A clay front cover of 'The Wildflower' by Amrita Pritam.
Freya Dann | Graphic Design 4
Language Brief 3 - Meaningful Book. The contents of 'The Wildflower' by Amrita Pritam.
Freya Dann | Graphic Design 3
Data Brief 1 - 24 Hours. A crochet tapestry that shows levels of anxiety during stressful situations. The white represents feeling calm and the intensity of the red represents the intensity of anxiety.
Freya Dann | Graphic Design 2
Language Brief 2 - Tell Me a Story About a Place. Lino printed experiments of textures and patterns of Woburn architecture.
Freya Dann | Graphic Design 1
Language Brief 2 - Tell Me a Story About a Place. Screen printed on black. A Screen printed pastiche parody piece about the extravagant chimneys in Woburn.
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