Gemma Radley-Martin

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Farnham


For my project, I looked into how I can help loneliness in young adults.

After doing some research I found that loneliness is considered one of the largest public health challenges, and that 18-24 year olds are one of loneliest age groups in this generation.

I created a club called “not the only one”, to help young people to reconnect with each other in a safe space through hobbies and interests, represented in the physical methods used to create the manifesto. I turned this physical manifesto into a booklet to give to members of the club, and designed hoodies that they will receive when they join. Finally I designed some question cards that members can use as conversation starters if they are someone who struggles to talk to new people.

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not the only one club logo
Gemma Radley-Martin | Graphic Design 4
Physical Manifesto Design
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Gemma Radley-Martin | Graphic Design 5
Hoodie design created for members of not the only one
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Front cover and inside page of the manifesto booklet
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A double page inside the manifesto booklet
Gemma Radley-Martin | Graphic Design 1
Question cards and box design to use in the club
Gemma Radley-Martin | Graphic Design
Design of both sides of the question cards
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