Kiera Matheson

BA (Hons) Illustration - Farnham


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @Kiera_doodles_sometimes

My final project involved exploring perceptions of reality. I found the intricate details of each of our internal selves to be incredibly interesting. This lead me to try and capture my own experience as an artist with ADHD. It was important to me to try an convey a sense of creativity and joy within my work rather than just focusing on the idea that ADHD is always disorganised and overwhelming chaos.

Kiera Matheson | Illustration 4
Abstracted acrylic self-portrait used to represent an experience of ADHD
Kiera Matheson | Illustration 2
A visual representation of restlessness and the drive to create. The making of this piece was used to combat that drive to constantly be on the go I often feel with ADHD
Kiera Matheson | Illustration 1
A descriptor of feeling out of place and different. I wanted to capture how it felt to be unknowlingly neurodivergent for a lot of my life.
Kiera Matheson | Illustration
A descriptor of feeling out of place and different. I wanted to capture how it felt to be unknowingly neurodivergent for a lot of my life
Kiera Matheson | Illustration 3
A second acrylic painting used to represent ADHD and the experience of being diagnosed later in life
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