Kun Wang

MA Animation


In this delightful and quirky comedy, a peaceful picnic takes a wildly unexpected turn when a young woman stumbles upon a forbidding “No Picnic” sign, complete with an eye-popping £9,999 fine. Panicking, she abandons her idyllic lunch, but in her haste, leaves behind her purse. When a well-meaning police officer finds the purse and tries to
return it, she misinterprets his intentions and believes he’s out to fine her. What follows is a madcap chase through the park, where she desperately hides among the flowers— only to unwittingly use a rare and valuable bloom that a frantic scientist has been searching for. As the scientist struggles to retrieve his precious discovery, he uncovers
the girl’s hiding spot, exposing her to the relentless officer once again. Just when it seems the jig is up, the truth is revealed in a hilariously heart-warming twist that will leave audiences laughing and charmed. This is a must-see tale of misunderstandings, madcap moments, and the lengths one will go to avoid a fine that never was.

Kun Wang | Animation
Picnic Panic
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