Recycling and fabricating my own materials – their energy transmigrates..
resurrecting them into something new… Whilst sustaining a bodily nature
with a crumpled, ethereal, tender texture; they become subject to my work
preserving their tissue-like sensibility.
Fragmented, metamorphic materials rearrange and bloom to form
representations reflected through a visual language. Their energy –
moving.. sweating.. bleeding.. photosynthesising through my work,
opening up opportunities for it to become kinetic.
The potential for movement is generated externally through a process of
respiration. Inhaling.. exhaling – the imitation of oxygen exchange in our
lungs uncover an everlasting possibility for movement, emphasising the
‘now’ through a demonstration of animated and choreographed behaviour.
Following a constructed rhythm I develop and recreate new forms of
movement – my sculptures become mutated.. transfigured. Introduction of
these further themes of dismemberment, mutilation and lacerated skin
further inform drawings depicting their altered and changeable DNA.
This perhaps grotesque and abject imagery of disembodied limbs and skin-
like substance is displayed aesthetically using an earth bound
methodology. Archives of material are exhibited using different
organisational methods through the guidance of linear self-created
formations from my own intuition.