Nicola Younger

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Farnham


Instagram: @nfydesigns

Email: [email protected]

My project aims to help increase equity within the UK health system. By encouraging two main factors: community and conversation. One of the main reasons for me deciding this as a final project was due to a personal health scare and listening to stories from my family and friends being told that there is nothing more that can be done for them. My project takes primarily the form of an app, which allows users, researchers and companies to connect. The idea is that it will not only allow for a safe space for users to discuss various issues they have experienced, but to also look for support when seeking a diagnosis. The researchers and companies can help humanise their findings and consider more of the emotional aspect of their research. They may also gather participants for research efforts to help understand female reproductive systems more effectively.

Nicola Younger | Graphic Design 4
Nicola Younger | Graphic Design 3
Final App Designs
Nicola Younger | Graphic Design 2
Final App Designs
Nicola Younger | Graphic Design 1
Final App Designs
Nicola Younger | Graphic Design
Poster design
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