Priyanka Pattni

MFA Photography



Email Address: [email protected]

‘May You Not Get Evil Eye’ explores cultural rituals within Pattni’s Indian heritage, passed down by the women in her family. Pattni recreates these moments in a studio setting, as the use of the studio allows for a sense of privacy and the reclamation of control over space. The project
works closely with minimal set design, paying close attention to small details that give into the significant importance behind the rituals and the memories that they hold for Pattni; whilst using self-portraiture to reconcile with her sense of self and the space that they take up as a person of colour within western society.

Priyanka Pattni | Photography 3
The Chilli and the Lime
Priyanka Pattni | Photography 2
"May You Not Get Evil Eye"
Priyanka Pattni | Photography 1
"May You Not Get Evil Eye"
Priyanka Pattni | Photography
"May You Not Get Evil Eye"
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