Reeve Hart

MFA Photography


email: [email protected]


instagram: @reevehartphotography

92,000,000,000 is a series of photographs created by Reeve Hart from 2022-2024, consisting of livestock animal portraits, documentary images depicting slaughterhouses and constructed photographs of sentient beings dressed in raw meat. The work aims to inspire empathy for the 92.2 billion land animals annually killed for meat. By juxtaposing meat with the animals it derives from, the project addresses our disconnected relationship between the food we eat and its origin.

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Around 73 billion chickens are murdered for meat every year, roughly equating to 140,000 deaths every minute.
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Over half a billion sheep are annually butchered for their flesh.
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The approximate number of cows slaughtered for food every year is 300 million.
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Almost 1.5 billion pigs are killed for meat yearly.
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Over 4 billion ducks every year are slain for human consumption.
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