Ruby Arnold

BA (Hons) Games Arts


All links can be found here -

This is my third year project titled “Once Upon a Brawl“. This project showcases a mixture of character, environment and UI design, and is a complete concept library. Once Upon a Brawl is a hypothetical fighting game in which all characters are inspired by those from classical children’s books, including both popular and more niche works. This concept library icludes characters inspired by: The Little Match Girl, Princess and the Pea, Christopher Robin (Winnie the Pooh), Secret Garden and Peter Rabbit (Specifically Tom Fox). This project provided a great opportunity for me to enhance my skills and also allowed me to challenge my already established skills. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone by rendering complete splash arts for the characters I had created, and also challenged myself at environment design, as this wasn’t something I had previously explored.

Ruby Arnold | Games 6
Game cover showcasing the characters created for this project
Ruby Arnold | Games
All the main pieces of artwork that came from this project.
Ruby Arnold | Games 5
Splash Art for character based on 'The Little Match Girl'
Ruby Arnold | Games 4
Splash Art for character based on 'Christopher Robin'
Ruby Arnold | Games 3
Splash Art for character based on 'The Princess and the Pea'
Ruby Arnold | Games 1
First environment design, evening setting, inspired by the Hundred Acre Woods
Ruby Arnold | Games 2
Second environment design, nighttime setting, inspired by the Secret Garden
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