Freya Watson

Fine Art


Email - [email protected]

Instagram - @eurocommunist

To liberate the body of obedience is to insert it within a multitude of navigational points. In doing so the decentralisation of the human begins.

The soul, a transcendental force of which is fluid and interchangeable seeks to break through the skin and insert itself into the technologies of our world. When embodying the avatar one is inserted into the machine.

ScreenBodies is a video installation created using Blender. The work explores the use of surrogate screen bodies and emphasises the need for safer queer spaces online. By utilising my own body and digitalising its assets, I have extended my physical body into a new digital dimension of my own design. A dimension in which my body and its parts cannot be subject to scrutiny or weaponization.

Freya Watson | Fine Art 5
ScreenBodies Still
Freya Watson | Fine Art 4
ScreenBodies Still
Freya Watson | Fine Art 3
ScreenBodies Still
Freya Watson | Fine Art 2
ScreenBodies Still
Freya Watson | Fine Art 1
ScreenBodies Still
Freya Watson | Fine Art
ScreenBodies Still
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