Jude Day-Palmer

Pre-degree & Foundation Studies


Email- [email protected]

Phone- 07775790706

Instagram- @depalmre

My designs are inspired by research based on the theme of “erosion”.
The one-sleeved upper piece references the linear angles and deteriorating connecting features of sand rock, eroded by the wind in desert biomes. The outcome of this piece expressed the intended jagged and distinct features, while still having a smooth appearance that looked as if it had been eroded by wind, akin to the sand rocks I had researched.

The jeans paired with this piece have eroded side seams that allow the legs to flow in a similar way to the smooth and flowing shapes left in sand rock by wind erosion.

The disc-structured dress piece is inspired by sedimentary rock and its layers that are exposed by erosion; it heavily references the rough, sharp, and distinct features of these rocks through its bold silhouette and stark dark colouring. The segments of sedimentary rock inspire its disc structure, and the scraps of fabrics they are fashioned from, reference the formation of sedimentary rocks.

Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion 5
Eroded - Jude Day-Palmer - University for the Creative Arts'
Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion 4
Eroded Dress - Jude Day-Palmer - University for Creative arts'
Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion 3
Eroded Dress on stand - Jude Day-Palmer - University for Creative arts'
Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion 2
Eroded Dress on person - Jude Day-Palmer - University for Creative arts'
Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion 1
One-Sleeved piece - Jude Day-Palmer - University for Creative arts'
Jude Day-Palmer | Fashion
One-sleeved piece and eroded denim - Jude Day-Palmer - University for Creative arts'
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