Leon Earl



My project was made up of a range of characters with access to the same source of magic, but who’s applications of it are of varying levels of control and malevolence. I completed six character concepts in total, four of which were used to inform my full illustrations (commonly known as Splash Arts) which were heavily inspired by the art of League of Legends.

Leon Earl | Games 5
A sentinel and warrior, who wields immense power through his hammer
Leon Earl | Games 4
A child, who unknowingly curses the land with every step
Leon Earl | Games 3
The God-Like creature which imbues all of the other characters with their magic, in a bid to make the world more "interesting"
Leon Earl | Games 2
A necromancer from distant shores, who's destruction damaged trade across the continent
Leon Earl | Games 1
The monarch of the common people, who simply wish to seek refuge from the terrors outside their city walls
Leon Earl | Games
A merchant, starving and lost in a forest, imbued with power at a time when he had no hope to control it
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