Leyao Wang

MA Illustration


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @wlyaooo_o

Who survived? It’s an animal-themed battle card game. Playable age 7+. The maximum number of players is 4. There will be 30 animal characters to draw, players battle based on information about the animals already on the cards. There are also 40 function cards to add fun and uncertainty to the game. The game will continue until only one player has one animal card left. The remaining animal survived and answered the game’s name.

Leyao Wang | Illustration 6
Who Survived
Leyao Wang | Illustration 5
Game manual
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Leyao Wang | Illustration 4
Game board
Leyao Wang | Illustration 3
Card back
Leyao Wang | Illustration 2
Animal card-Clownfish
Leyao Wang | Illustration 1
Animal card-Bat
Leyao Wang | Illustration
Animal card-Sparrow
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