Siggi Nepp

Pre-degree & Foundation Studies



Architecture + Interiors

Siggi Nepp BA (Hons) DipArch ARB

2 Eastgate Road

Kent TN30 7AH

T 01580 761 965

M 07748 967 960

[email protected]


An Interactive Children’s Story Book: Will she sink or swim?

‘It started with ‘Spin a Yarn’ a 2 week brief to write an illustrated publication. This sowed the seed of an idea to record a life changing two year sailing adventure that I had when I was a little girl, something I had often thought about – but how? So drawing from all my learning so far this year I have decided to go for it and create this legacy for my family.’

Book One of an upcoming trilogy, describes the beginning of the adventure through to our departure from our first port of call –the remote island of St Helena lying off the coast of South Africa, at the time only accessible by boat.

The second book will continue with our quirky adventures in Brazil, the next stop. We remained here for just over a year and experienced countless misadventures and amazing experiences, including being shipwrecked on an uninhabited island, having a pet monkey that lived in my hair, travelling to Rio on the local bus with all the farmyard animals on board, the traditional carnival in Salvador, and so it goes on.

The final book will focus on our last sailing destination – Barbados, where we lived for six months. Full of experiences including the ‘equatorial baptism’ ceremony as we passed over the equator, watching the flying fish, hurricane David, local convent schooling, gorging on giant avocados, diving for sand dollars, learning to ride a bike and my pet cat Suzie. It will conclude with our flight back to ‘normality’ in the UK.

The project includes illustration, creative writing, animation and an augmented reality feature using a variety of digital software and platforms.

The images in this flipbook movie version are digitally extended. To experience them, install the Artivive app on your phone. Open the app and point your phone at the images to make them come to life with sound.

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Will she sink or swim? © Siggi Nepp
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Will she sink or swim? © Siggi Nepp
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© Siggi Nepp
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© Siggi Nepp
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© Siggi Nepp
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© Siggi Nepp
Siggi Nepp | Pre-degree & Foundation Studies
© Siggi Nepp
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