Stacey Santoso

Graphic Design


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @staceysntoso @staceydiaries

Phone: +44 7831233142

I am a Graphic Designer who’s open-minded, has the ambition and aspirations to create modern, creative and unique designs. I am motivated to do the things that I’m most passionate about and creativity related. My goal in designing is to create something that is useful, innovative and most importantly understandable in the audience’s eyes. 

I want to be able to showcase a design language that portrays who I am as a Graphic Designer. I love experimenting and exploring designs, especially in the industry where professionals need a designer that can fulfil their needs, helping to solve the problem in such imaginative ways.

I am someone who rather loves both minimalist and fun design. One that is all about simplicity, classic, and modern. On the other hand, a design that is fun, playful, and full of colours; like my FMP where I created a Drive-in Cinema Branding named Starlight. The concept of this project is based on a movie genre theme in which you can see in the posters and tickets that I designed. I thought about how there are so many different genres in movies and how I can utilise that to create the concept of my brand, by creating an icon and colour palette for each of the genres to differentiate.

My purpose in creating this Drive-in Cinema Branding is for enthusiasts to have a new, fun and memorable outdoor movie experience; where it brings people together for a night of entertainment through the comfort of their own vehicles. 

I focus my skills in a few areas, which are; branding identity, packaging design, producing editorial and typography. Take a further look at my designs on Instagram at @staceydiaries

Stacey Santoso | Graphic Design
Stacey Santoso Self Branding Logo
Stacey Santoso | Graphic Design 4
"Back to the Future" Movie Poster from the Starlight Drive-in Cinema
Stacey Santoso | Graphic Design 3
"La La Land" Movie Poster from the Starlight Drive-in Cinema
Stacey Santoso | Graphic Design 2
"The Dark Knight" Movie Poster from the Starlight Drive-in Cinema
Stacey Santoso | Graphic Design 1
Starlight Drive-in Cinema Tickets
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