Tonii Astro

Fine Art


Email [email protected]

Instagram @tonii_antiartsy

This piece stems from a deep love and respect of water and the ocean and represents how I interact with water through freediving. The experience felt when submerged is one which encompasses the whole body and all the senses. It’s one of serenity and simplicity, yet the feeling is ethereal. This work explores how to translate and convey this unique experience to a wider audience.

Through the manipulation and distortion of light, photography, and digital media, the work explores the line between presenting an underwater like experience as an immersive space, and as something that’s just beyond our reach, thus protecting the magic that comes with the unknown.


Tonii Astro | Fine Art 3
Photograph and Digital Image
Tonii Astro | Fine Art 2
Tonii Astro | Fine Art 1
Tonii Astro | Fine Art
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