Anna Jennings

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography


[email protected]


Retiring Fashion

This project explores retiring fashion – Do we change our style as we age, or do we hold on to the trends we loved?

Within the album you can see old and new images of both my Nan and Grandad, these reflect their style then and now.

On the walls you see some playful takes of fashion styling and imagery, capturing the youthful essence of editorial projects.

The sounds you hear are stories told by my family as they reminisce about their past and tour their wardrobes.

Thank you to my Nan, Sherron, and Grandad, Steve, for allowing me to tell their story and thank you to my Mum and Dad for their encouragement and help within the project.

I used part of this project for phototherapy for the loss of my Nana June who you can see throughout the album, clothes resemble someone after they are lost keeping the memory present within our lives.

I hope you feel a connection to this project as you reflect on those you love and how they dress their own style.

Anna Jennings | Photography 5
Retiring Fashion - Reflection
Anna Jennings | Photography 4
Photo Album
View pdf
Anna Jennings | Photography 3
Grandad's Accessories
Anna Jennings | Photography 2
Collection Of Memory Ties
Anna Jennings | Photography 1
Feeling The Cold
Anna Jennings | Photography
Nan's Shoes
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