Helena Hastilow

BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation - Canterbury


Instagram/Twitter - HeleyArts

Hi! My name is Helena and I’m an illustrator and character designer based in Rye, East Sussex. I’ve always had a passion for drawing and have enjoyed the opportunity to expand my practice throughout my university experience.

For my final major project, I focused on the feeling of nostalgia from my childhood, specifically from the 2000s era. I compiled my work into a booklet looking back at all the things from the 2000s that have been sentimental to me as a child, looking back on these throughout my time illustration this has given me the opportunity to reminisce on forgotten memories of my childhood. My publication includes old photographs of myself alongside sentimental toys and environments that others who grew up in the 2000s have also experienced, the goal of this is to bring people together that all relates to this sense of nostalgia and longing for that time of their life.

Helena Hastilow | Illustration
What once was
Helena Hastilow | Illustration 1
What once was front cover
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