Karis Zenna

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Epsom


Find me on most social media (but mainly Instagram) @kariszenna

Connect with me at linkedIn.com/in/kariszenna

Using a back-and-forth process between digital and tactile printing, I focus on creating organised and conscious designs inspired by nostalgic lived experiences. Exploring connections between emotions/data and politics/escapism forms the motivation behind my designs this year. As an avid collector, I am always searching for meaningful objects and methods to interpret into rhythmic designs.

Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 6
Nostalgic Time Capsule – A project using people's memories of cassette tapes as data.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 5
24 Hour Replay – Animation tracking my music listening habits over 24 hours.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 4
Automated Graphic Design – Laser cut wire bound booklet.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 3
Queer Care Zine – Rise printed zine exploring intersections of care, queerness and creativity.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 2
Living Fossil – An original typeface created from tracing ginkgo tree bark.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design 1
Kew Support Pack – A pack of screen printed materials for underpaid workers at Kew Gardens, including a manifesto, supportive cards, and original photography and type.
Karis Zenna | Graphic Design
Nostalgic Time Capsule – A and B side of my booklet. The booklet is stab-bound and French-folded to fit inside a cassette case.
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