Lucie Garrod

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Farnham


Instagram: @luciegarrodgraphics

The title of my project is ‘How social media creates overconsumption of fashion’. My aim was to draw attention to the negative effects of the fast fashion industry, especially through social media. To achieve this, I used shocking facts & statistics to create a campaign to make consumers think twice before they make mindless purchases. I have communicated this using handmade craft techniques, to emphasise the importance of knowing where and how garments were made. The typography was cross stitched by hand. And each panel is constructed from old clothing that I cut into handmade yarn, and knit into panels by hand.

My outcome has been constructed in a way that makes it easy to display in public places, which supports the campaign that I created. This public display of a physical allows the audience to interact with the campaign in a way that demands their attention. The aim was to create something that directly contrasts social media, which resulted in the physicality of my outcome.

Creating physical work is something that is very important to me, as the digital space is saturated with so much information, so I find that creating physical work is more meaningful to me. The time that I took to create typography from cross stitch made the piece much more important to me, as I made it with my own hands. This personal element to the project gives me a strong connection with the work.


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Lucie Garrod | Graphic Design
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