Matthew Taylor

BA (Hons) Games Arts


My name is Matthew Taylor and I am a aspiring 3d character artist, with interests in rigging. This is a showcase of my second and third year university projects for my BA (Hons) Games Art course. In this you will see many projects designed for real-time rendering within Unreal Engine 5.

Beast from the Front Lines (3rd Year/ Final Project):

For my final project I themed the idea around a fantasy WW2 dragon mount to be used for ariel combat and scouting. As such I created a fully rigged and animated dragon asset within maya to be used within unreal engine. The dragons name is Luna and her design was inspired by a combination of bats, hyenas, and the shark iconography of WW2 planes.

The Hydron Cruiser (2nd Year/ 1st Project):

In this project we were given the brief of a dystopian dropship, capable of both low orbit and space travel. As such I designed the hydron cruiser based on designed on large cameras, as well as fish. I also gave it bright colours to contrast with the grim of the dystopian aesthetic.

Caterpillar Farmstead (2nd Year/ 2nd Project):

For this project we were given the brief to create a diorama. In my design I themed it around the idea of two insect children playing dress up, before one of them tried to ride the farmstead’s pet giant caterpillar and found themself dangling from the roof. For this project I took a heavily stylised approach, with the texturing style being inspired by oil painting with highly saturated colours.


Matthew Taylor | Games 6
3D Showcase - Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor | Games 5
3D Demo Reel - Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor | Games 4
The Beast form the Front Lines
Matthew Taylor | Games 3
Play Day!
Matthew Taylor | Games 2
The Hydron Cruiser
Matthew Taylor | Games 1
Caterpillar Farmstead
Matthew Taylor | Games
Brothers in Peril
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