Ryan Nothard

BA (Hons) Games Arts


The works present depict my final major project, Project Arc, which follows the protagonist Janice who is a genetically-engineered descendant of Joan de Arc. In the employ of a technologically advanced Templar faction, she is tasked with ridding a French commune of a vampiric threat, Malkin, who is spreading a ‘blood blight’ through the countryside with catastrophic consequences for the residents.

Ryan Nothard | Games 5
Melkin, The Vampire
Ryan Nothard | Games 6
Art Book Front Cover
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Ryan Nothard | Games 4
Janice and Malkin
Ryan Nothard | Games 3
Janice's Templar Bunker HQ
Ryan Nothard | Games 2
Janice's Guns
Ryan Nothard | Games 1
Janice's Bike
Ryan Nothard | Games
Blood Blight Infected Villagers
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