Suki Da Silva

BA (Hons) Textile Design


[email protected]

Instagram: @destroythevidence

Ode to Home delves into my personal exploration of belonging, a concept I’ve grappled with due to constant relocations during my childhood. Moving homes and countries consistently left me feeling adrift and disconnected.

To express this journey, I looked at maps of Ibiza and Portugal, places where l’ve experienced a profound sense of belonging. Using cartographic maps as inspiration, I honed in on specific areas where I lived or spent long amounts of time at.

My objective was to create a curtain for a home, employing devoré techniques to create windows in the fabric, symbolizing my desire to shape and control the light within spaces that hold significance to my sense of belonging.

I felt compelled to adopt an intensely personal perspective for my final major project. My goal was to produce work that carried a profound significance. While this project is deeply rooted in my own experiences, I aspire for it to resonate with others as well of feelings of lost and belonging in a space. The chosen colour scheme drew from the earthy tones from terracotta tiles that decorated the floors of familiar places to me, serving as a visual reminder of the comfort and familiarity I found within them.

Suki Da Silva | Fashion & Textiles 2
'Ode to Home'
Suki Da Silva | Fashion & Textiles 1
Suki Da Silva | Fashion & Textiles
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