Yilin Meng

BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Farnham


I am showing the phenomenon of cyberbullying, many young people or children in today’s society have experienced different degrees of cyberbullying, Cyberbullying is very harmful to people, and I need to use graphic design to help people who are cyberbullied. Make graphic artwork to express cyberbullying and help people who are being cyberbullied express their feelings. I’ve made 3D displays, anti-bullying brochures, and books on anti-bullying.

Yilin Meng | Graphic Design 5
Rejecting cyberbullying
Yilin Meng | Graphic Design 4
This is a cover image about rejecting cyberbullying.
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Yilin Meng | Graphic Design 3
This is a booklet I made to reject cyberbullying, using graphic illustrations to express the feelings of cyberbullies.
Yilin Meng | Graphic Design 2
Rejection of cyberbullying, a big wrong pattern placement, expresses people's rejection of cyberbullying.
Yilin Meng | Graphic Design 1
This is a 3D model of cyberbullying, which is made of 3D models of labels, red lines, three-dimensional placements, and hands, expressing the pain caused by cyberbullying.
Yilin Meng | Graphic Design
This is about cyberbullying pamphlets and 3D models filmed.
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