Yunhan LI

Visual Communication Design


Insight The Door—— “The Last One” Board Game Design

The development of a technology-worshipping society forces each of us to live in a single “customized” landscape. Maybe we can sit down and have a chat, look around, feel the barriers that are everywhere, and feel the “touch available” and “understandability” that are everywhere. This project uses board game design as a carrier to respond to issues such as the rupture of the relationship between people and reality, the “isolation” of minority groups, the dissolution of privacy boundaries, and the sharpening of cognitive biases. For you who come here, please start a journey of insight and an “embedded” journey.

Yunhan LI | Graphic Design 5
Display board of Meta World
Yunhan LI | Graphic Design 4
Panoramic view of the game
Yunhan LI | Graphic Design 3
Game handbook
Yunhan LI | Graphic Design 2
Character Cards
Yunhan LI | Graphic Design 1
Other Tool Cards
Yunhan LI | Graphic Design
Brooch and fake news newspaper
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