Zelun Chen

MA Visual Communication


email:[email protected]

Social Platforms Weibo:https://weibo.com/u/5235081033

The project is ‘Gong Hey’ herbal tea. This project is about branding. I created this brand to promote Chinese intangible cultural heritage herbal tea to young people in the UK. The aim is to preserve and promote traditional culture. In addition, I created characters for the brand in order to help people better understand the function of herbal tea and where it can be used. These characters don’t look too healthy. When people look at the characters’ faces and see unhealthy conditions similar to their own, they know they have the same problems as these characters and can solve their problems by drinking a cup of herbal tea.

我的项目名称是“Gong Hey”草药。这个项目是品牌推广。我创建这个品牌,是为了向英国的年轻人推广中国的非物质文化遗产凉茶。其目的是保护和促进传统文化。此外,为了帮助人们更好地了解凉茶的功能以及它的适用范围,我为该品牌创建了角色。这些角色看起来不太健康。当人们看着角色的脸,看到和自己相似的不健康状态时,就知道自己和这些角色有同样的问题,可以通过喝一杯凉茶来解决自己的问题。

Zelun Chen | Graphic Design 6
Zelun Chen | Graphic Design 4
Character of the brand: Gourd
Zelun Chen | Graphic Design 3
Herbal Tea Packaging
Zelun Chen | Graphic Design 2
Instruction Card for Herbal Tea Herbs
Zelun Chen | Graphic Design 1
Stickers and packaging
Zelun Chen | Graphic Design
mobile food car
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