Reiss Martin



The concept of my graduate collection is based at n the clash of blacksmith aesthetics from two completely separate view points. The early 1900s blacksmith style was particularly interesting to my design process. The rugged and distressed elements inspired me to explore distressing techniques in denim.  I used the raw leather aprons to inspire garment silhouettes and fabric choice. Their heritage style led me to brand such a Levi’s and Carhartt, where I was able to research heritage finishing. The other black smiths aesthetic I look at was the Greek god of blacksmiths, Hephaestus. Hephaestus was god of the volcanos,  I explored imagery of volcanic forming and textures which would inspire my hand leather molding and dying. Ripples portraying the forming was manipulated into the leather through experimentation using wet molding. The draped cloth worn by the Greeks inspired draped undergarments and jacket neck lines. The collection uses traditional work wear and heritage garments and pushes the silhouette, fabrication and finishings in order to create a unique avant-garde take on heritage clothing.

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