As a graphic designer my approach to creating work can vary, from editorial design laying out catalogues and books to large format poster campaigns.
I aim to instil in my work a sense of playfulness while still tackling difficult topics within the public zeitgeist such as political discourse and the impact of social media and the internet on creative practitioners.
My Final Major Project was “The Bad Art Show” A public art show held in the reception area of UCA Canterbury that involved 15 artists who each submitted work that they considered Bad which we then proudly hung up and catalogued in a ‘zine.
For the show I produced screen printed posters and T-Shirts, a professionally printed 40 page catalogue ‘zine, plaques showing each artist’s statement, A visitor book & large scale signage.
I was also chosen by the Fine Art course to design their degree show catalogue this year which was an honour and a fantastic opportunity for me to develop as a practitioner.